Irish Polling Indicator

The Irish Polling Indicator, a project launched in 2014 and maintained by Stefan Müller, combines all Irish opinion polls for the Dáil Éireann into ranges of likely support. The Polling Indicator focuses on contextualising new polls, not on competing with pollsters or making election predictions.

Estimates from the Irish Polling Indicator were reported in RTÉ News, The Guardian, Reuters, the Financial Times, The Irish Times, the Irish Independent, The Sunday Times, and the Business Post.

Scroll down for the latest estimates, interactive graphs, a description of the method, access to the raw data, and blog posts. You can follow the Irish Polling Indicator on BlueSky.

Latest Estimates

Note: The Irish Polling Indicator only includes parties consistently tracked by all pollsters. As a result, parties mentioned by only some polling companies are placed in the “Independents/Others” category. A note on the Bayesian credible intervals: If all of the assumptions of our model hold, then there is a 95% probability that a party’s support is within the range of the 95% uncertainty margins.

Display most recent estimates as table
Party Estimate 95% Uncertainty Margins
Sinn Féin 21.5% 20%–23.5%
Fianna Fáil 21% 20%–22.5%
Fine Gael 21% 19%–23%
Independents/Others 13.5% 11.5%–15.5%
Social Democrats 6.5% 5.5%–8%
Independent Ireland 4% 3.5%–5%
Labour 4% 3%–4.5%
Aontú 3.5% 2.5%–4%
Green Party 2.5% 2%–3%
Solidarity-PBP 2% 1.5%–3%
Latest update: 02 Mar 2025

Graphs and Tables

Change in Support since the Last Election

Estimated support (%)
01 Dec
08 Dec
15 Dec
22 Dec
29 Dec
05 Jan
12 Jan
19 Jan
26 Jan
02 Feb
09 Feb
16 Feb
23 Feb
Show parties

All Polls

FF - Red C
Estimated support (%)
01 Dec
08 Dec
15 Dec
22 Dec
29 Dec
05 Jan
12 Jan
19 Jan
26 Jan
02 Feb
09 Feb
16 Feb
23 Feb
The line displays the Polling Indicator estimate with the 95% uncertainty margin shaded. Dots indicate the polls. Mouseover to see exact values. The polls are plotted in the (middle of the) fieldwork period, not the publication date.
Select party
Select pollster(s):

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House Effects

The graph below displays the house effects of the polling companies for each party. A positive house effect means that a pollster structurally estimates a certain party higher than the average pollster. The dot indicates the best estimate for the house effect (measured as percentage point differences), the lines display 95% uncertainty margins.

Most Recent Polls

The table below lists party support in the most recent opinion polls. The table is updated automatically when new polls are published. Numbers show first-preference vote intentions (%).

Date Pollster FF FG SF SD LAB
02 Mar 2025 Ire. Th. 22 22 21 7 4
23 Feb 2025 Red C 20 20 23 7 4
02 Feb 2025 Ire. Th. 24 20 22 8 4
26 Jan 2025 Red C 22 20 22 7 3
Date Pollster AU II GP PBP I/O
02 Mar 2025 Ire. Th. 3 5 2 2 12
23 Feb 2025 Red C 4 4 3 3 12
02 Feb 2025 Ire. Th. 4 4 3 2 9
26 Jan 2025 Red C 4 3 3 2 14

Note: FF: Fianna Fáil; FG: Fine Gael; SF: Sinn Féin; SD: Social Democrats; LAB: Labour Party; AU: Aontú; II = Independent Ireland; GP: Green Party; PBP: Solidarity-People Before Profit; I/O: Independents and other parties.

Download polling data and aggregated estimates


The basic idea of the Irish Polling Indicator, launched in 2014, is to take all available polling information together to arrive at the best estimate of current support for parties. Polls are great tools for measuring public opinion, but because only a limited sample is surveyed, we need to take into account sampling error. By combining multiple polls, we can reduce this error.

Moreover, with so many polls going around it is difficult to get a random sample of voters to participate in any one public opinion survey. And those that do participate might not have a clear idea who to vote for, something that is often adjusted for in polls. This may lead to structural differences between the results of different polling companies, so-called house effects.

The Irish Polling Indicator considers sampling error and house effects when aggregating support for Irish parties.

Read more about the method and technical details

Validating the Irish Polling Indicator

The graph below compares first-preference vote shares in the 2024 General Election with the Irish Polling Indicator estimates released the day before the election. On average, the election results deviated by less than 0.6 percentage points from the Polling Indicator estimate. With the exception of the Green Party and Solidarity-PBP, the Irish Polling Indicator estimates were within the margin of error.

General Election 2024

Comparing Vote-Poll Errors Since 1989

To assess the accuracy of polls more systematically, we can calculate the vote-poll error. If the election result matches the polls exactly, the vote-poll error is zero. For example, a vote-poll error of 1 would mean that, on average, the polls were off by one percentage point from the election results across all parties and Independents. The figure below shows polling errors for Irish general elections from 1989 to 2024. Across these nine elections, the estimates were off by 1.23 percentage points from actual first-preference vote shares. This vote-poll error is considerably better than the errors observed in a comparative study of over 30,000 opinion polls from 350 elections in 45 countries.
The Irish Polling Indicator achieved a vote-poll error of 0.54 in the 2024 General Election, its most accurate result yet.


Irish Polling Indicator

We provide full access to all available polling results (1982–2025) and daily aggregated estimates (1987–2025). We provide the daily estimates and raw polling results in four file formats. A detailed codebook describes both datasets and all variables.

Development Version (Latest Data Release)

First, we release our datasets as a development version which is updated after the release of every poll and stored in a GitHub repository.

If you use the development version of the data in your work, please consider citing:

Tom Louwerse and Stefan Müller. 2025. Irish Polling Indicator Datasets: Development Version. URL:

Stable Version

Second, we provide a stable version of the daily estimates and raw polling results. New releases are published after an election cycle. The stable version has a unique identifier (DOI: 10.7910/DVN/8YVVYX).

If you use the stable version in your work, please consider citing:

Tom Louwerse and Stefan Müller. 2025. Irish Polling Indicator Datasets: Stable Version (1987–2024). Harvard Dataverse. DOI: 10.7910/DVN/8YVVYX

About Us

Project Leader and Maintainer

Stefan Müller is an Associate Professor in the School of Politics and International Relations at University College Dublin. Stefan’s research focuses on political representation, party competition, political communication, public opinion, and quantitative text analysis.
Website | CV | BlueSky

Founding Member

Tom Louwerse is an Associate Professor in Political Science at Leiden University, the Netherlands. Tom’s research and teaching focuses on elections, political representation and parliamentary politics in the Netherlands and other established democracies.
Website | BlueSky

Research Assistant

Paula Montano Website | BlueSky

Supporters and Partners

The Irish Polling Indicator is hosted at the Institute of Political Science at Leiden University and the Connected_Politics Lab at University College Dublin. The project received financial support from the 2021 Strategic Funding Scheme of the UCD College of Social Sciences and Law.


Please do not hesitate contact us if you have any questions about the project or if you would like to include our estimates in reports or articles. If you refer to our data, please mention the Irish Polling Indicator, its maintainer, Stefan Müller, and ideally include a link to this website. Feel free to use the data in your academic work, and please consider citing the Irish Polling Indicator data.

You can follow the Irish Polling Indicator on BlueSky.